Although most of these are featured on our Upcoming Events page, they are worth mentioning here in a post of their own!
To register for any of these events, please contact Sr. Mary Ruth at 7041-242-7195 or srmaryruth@sfcretreats.org.
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- Young people are invited to jo in Sr. Mary Ruth for Teen/Youth Night at the Convent
(This is a monthly event….see events page for future dates.)
7:00 Gathering & getting caught up
7:15 Teaching (20 minute presentation)
7:45 Praying (30 minutes in chapel)
8:15 Playing (Games & popcorn)
8:45 Concluding (Night Prayer)]
- Monday Morning Prayer Group
6:30 a.m. (finish before 8 a.m.) – This is an opportunity open to all which will be adapted to fit the needs and desires of those who participate. It might involve walking & praying the rosary, praying in chapel, singing, discussing the faith, a book study, seasonal devotions, or some other form of prayer.
- This spring and summer, Sr. Mary Ruth will have the following Weeklong Silent Retreats with Direction:
* May 31-June 7
* June 21-28
* July 9-16
(other times as arranged)